Copyright & Aknowledgements

This unofficial Ayreon fan site and all its content including the Hungarian translations are created by Janos Biro with the permission of Arjen Anthony Lucassen. You may use the Hungarian translations for free referring to the source ( and the author (Janos Biro).
All the other contents on the site are the intellectual property of Arjen Anthony Lucassen and the following artists.
Thank you so much for their help and contribution!


Arjen Anthony Lucassen

Live albums

White Crows


It’s a well-known fact that Arjen hates performing on stage, much preferring to control all aspects of the Ayreon Universe safely inside a studio. His ability to conjure up all manner of artists to work on his albums is testament to the quality of albums he delivers. Gathering all these artists on the same stage for a few hours is almost impossible though... but when it happens it's a real celebration for all of us!