Copyright & Aknowledgements

This unofficial Ayreon fan site and all its content including the Hungarian translations are created by Janos Biro with the permission of Arjen Anthony Lucassen. You may use the Hungarian translations for free referring to the source ( and the author (Janos Biro).
All the other contents on the site are the intellectual property of Arjen Anthony Lucassen and the following artists.
Thank you so much for their help and contribution!


Arjen Anthony Lucassen

The Source

The Source

First Release Date: 2017.04.28
Detailed information: Wikipedia
Releases / Editions

Release Date: 2017.04.28.
Label: Music Theories
Format: 2 CD

Description: Single CD without any extras
Availability: available in stores

- Standard edition

Release Date: 2017.04.28.
Label: Music Theories
Format: 2 CD + DVD

Description: Double CD and extras on DVD, 44 pages digibook case
Availability: available in stores

- Deluxe Edition

Release Date: 2017.04.28.
Label: Music Theories
Format: Earbook, 4 CD + 1 DVD

Description: normal and acoustic versions, DVD with extras, all these in a beautiful 44 pages hardcover earbook
Availability: available in official store in limited numbers

- Earbook (recommended for collectors!)

Release Date: 2017.04.28.
Label: Music Theories
Format: 2 LP (black)

Description: LP edition without any extras
Availability: available in stores

- LP

Release Date: 2017.04.28.
Label: Music Theories
Format: 2 LP (green)

Description: limited LP edition (300 pcs wordwide) with poster, 16 pages bookled, MP3 download code
Availability: not available in stores

- Limited LP
Available Now On:
1. The Day That The World Breaks Down
2. Sea Of Machines
3. Everybody Dies
4. Star Of Sirrah
5. All That Was
6. Run! Apocalypse! Run!
7. Condemned To Live
8. Aquatic Race
9. The Dream Dissolves
10. Deathcry Of A Race
11. Into The Ocean
12. Bay Of Dreams
13. Planet Y Is Alive!
14. The Source Will Flow
15. Journey To Forever
16. The Human Compulsion
17. March Of The Machines
About Album

The ninth studio album of the Ayreon project almost did not happen… when Arjen began to write new music, he thought that would result in a solo album. Eventually, he realized the music was too heavy for him to sing, so he thought of making it an album by Star One, another of his projects. Finally, he noticed some folk elements and decided it would be an Ayreon release.

So after the “fresh restart” of The Theory of Everything, it returns to science fiction and the Ayreon storyline; it acts, in particular, as a prequel to 01011001, making it the first album in the storyline’s chronology. In The Source, the Alphans, ancestors of humanity, try to prevent the extinction of their race from machines who took control of the entire planet Alpha, by sending a select few Alphans into space so they can attempt to start anew on a distant world.

It is set in four parts, referred to as “Chronicles”: in the booklet, at the debut of each Chronicle is featured writings by The Historian giving more details about the story.

The story of the Chronicles…

Chronicle 1: The Frame
The story begins in the distant past on a planet called Alpha in the Andromeda Galaxy, inhabited by our human ancestors. Despite the best efforts of The Opposition Leader, The President  has given a mainframe computer known as “The ‘Frame” full powers over Alpha, so it can solve its seemingly insurmountable ecological and political problems. However, the ‘Frame, whose intelligence has surpassed the Alphans’, has decided that the only possible way to do so was to destroy humanity, and shut down all support systems to extinguish their race. The Alphans despair about their doom, as The President realizes he was mistaken (“The Day That the World Breaks Down”). Some Alphans, such as The Diplomat and The Counselor, believe there is still hope, as does The Captain, who proposes to use his spaceship, the Starblade, to carry a small number of Alphans to a new world so they can start anew; meanwhile, The Prophet foresees that they will indeed leave, while also predicting “a sea of machines” similar to Alpha’s and a mysterious castle (“Sea of Machines”). Ultimately, the Alphans come to the conclusion that there is no hope of saving their world (“Everybody Dies”).

Chronicle 2: The Aligning of the Ten
People are then selected, based on their competencies, to leave Alpha aboard the Starblade. It includes all characters previously mentioned plus TH-1 (Mike Mills), a robot stayed faithful to the human race, to assist them, and try to start anew on a distant world, a water planet located near the star of Sirrah (“Star of Sirrah”). Heartbroken, they give their final goodbyes to their loved ones (“All That Was”). Going through the apocalyptic chaos their world has turned into, they manage by miracle to reach the Starblade (“Run! Apocalypse! Run!”), but, as they get ready for departure, are overwhelmed by the guilt and sadness of having doomed the world, and having been chosen to go while the rest of the world stays behind to die (“Condemned to Live”).

Chronicle 3: The Transmigration
After finally escaping from Alpha, the surviving humans are injected with a drug made by The Chemist (Tommy Rogers), named “Liquid Eternity” but mostly referred to as “The Source”, that will make their bodies able to live underwater and communicate by telepathy, as the world they are going to is an aquatic one; it will also drastically extend their lifespans, making them virtually immortal. They put themselves in suspended animation, as their trip will take many years (“Aquatic Race”). In their sleep, the humans dream of the beautiful world that awaits them (“The Dream Dissolves”). The former Alphans ultimately awaken as they reach Sirrah and mourn, aware that during the many years it took them to travel, their planet, together with all their loved ones, has come to an end (“Deathcry of a Race”). However, they are also filled with hope at the sight of their new world (“Into the Ocean”).

Chronicle 4: The Rebirth
The humans and TH-1 start building their new home, which they name the “Bay of Dreams”; they now live underwater, as the sunrays from Sirrah are deadly. Some of them are worried about the future, some are hopeful. The Prophet foresees that they will indeed make the human race continue its course, but also predicts that the future awaiting them is dark (“Bay of Dreams”). With their minds communicating by telepathy, the survivors now feel more united than ever, and decide to name their new planet “Y” (“Planet Y Is Alive!”). As a side-effect, the Source helps them relax, and gradually makes them forget about their past lives on Alpha. They happily let it happen (“The Source Will Flow”), and, with the guilt and sadness from the past gone, now look brightly at the future (“Journey to Forever”). They still have doubts however, fearing that they might repeat their past mistakes, and that the Source might change their minds and make them lose their humanity; The Prophet predicts that their spirits will indeed become hollow, but that “the second coming of the Universal Soul” will one day make them whole once again (“The Human Compulsion”). Meanwhile, TH-1, left purposeless, predicts that he will grow and become the new ‘Frame, starting the cycle anew’ and announces that “the age of shadows will begin” (the melody and line directly referring to the 01011001 opening song “Age of Shadows”).

– source: wikipedia –

How does it fit to the History of The Universe?
Here you can find the answer.


1. The Day That The World Breaks Down

[Chronicle 1: The Frame]

[The Historian (James LaBrie):]
A silence so deafening
As the stillness surrounds us
A rush of fear is surging through our veins

A shadow so menacing
Darkens our horizon
What have we done?
Is this the end
When death descends?

[The Opposition Leader (Tommy Karevik):]
Don't say I didn't warn you
You'll recall my words
The day that the world breaks down

Don't claim you didn't see it
Are you prepared to die
The day that the world breaks down

[The Chemist (Tommy Rogers):]
I can't believe we're in danger
I can't believe that we've let it come this far

[The Counselor (Simone Simmons):]
We must prepare for the changes
We must prepare for
The day that the world breaks down

[The Opposition Leader (Tommy Karevik):]
Don't expect we will survive this
There'll be no way back
The day that the world breaks down

Don't assume it's all a nightmare
we won't stand a chance
The day that the world breaks down

[The Chemist (Tommy Rogers):]
I can't believe this is happening
I can't believe we are headed
For a fall

[The Counselor (Simone Simmons):]
We must prepare for the blackening
We must prepare for
The day that the world breaks down

[The Prophet (Nils K. Rue):]
I can feel it in my heart
I can see it in the stars
Behold: It's all been foretold
The future unfolds
The day that the world breaks down

[The Captain (Tobias Sammet):]
I always knew this would happen
Not many believed in my cause
I'm sure they will all turn to me now
I'm sure I'm the only one
Who can save us
[TH-1:] StarBlade
From this fate

[The Captain (Tobias Sammet):]
I always knew they would need me
Not many showed faith in my plans
I'm sure they will listen to me now
I'm sure that I'm the only one
[TH-1:] StarBlade
Who can save us
From this fate

[The Astronomer (Hansi Kursch):]
Yes I believe you are the answer
Yes I agree you are the key
Your future lies in the heavens
Our future lies beyond the stars


[The Astronomer (Hansi Kursch):]
We will save them


[The Astronomer (Hansi Kursch):]
We will save them


[The Astronomer (Hansi Kursch):]
From this fate

01110100 01110010 01110101
01110011 01110100 01010100

[The President (Russell Allen):]
I must have been blind
I mean it should've been obvious
Straight out of my mind
To rely on a cold machine

The signs are strong
I know I was wrong
I know they will hate me now
But I will come clean
And destroy this cold machine

[The Diplomat (Michael Eriksen):]
This is not over
Not as long as we're alive
If we join our forces
We will make it

This is not over
As a race we must survive
And in the end we'll cross this bridge together

[The President (Russell Allen):]
We're losing this fight
And yes - we got ourselves to blame
I guess it seems right
In the mind of the cold machine

I'll fix every flaw
I'll break every law
I'll tear up the rulebook
If that's what it takes
You will see
I will crush this cold machine

[The Diplomat (Michael Eriksen):]
This is not over
I am sure we'll find a way
Out of this desperate situation

This is not over
Even if it all seems hopeless
For in the end we'll cross this bridge together

[The Biologist (Floor Jansen):]
I can feel it in the air
The signs are everywhere
Communications grind to a halt
Traffic has stopped
The grid starts to fail
Planes crashing down
We're getting closer to
The day the world breaks down

2. Sea Of Machines

[The Chemist:]
The 'Frame is running all our systems, no way to shut it down
Outcries of panic in the distance, fear... all around

[The Diplomat:]
No satellites, no radio, no TV, I can't even use my phone
We need to wake up from this bad dream, we're not alone!

[The Prophet:]
I've seen the future in a dream
I've seen a sea of machines
I've seen a realm beneath the waves
Another time, another space

[The Chemist:]
The 'Frame is closing all the channels, isolated from the world

[The Diplomat:]
But there's still time to heal the damage and lift this curse

[The Counselor:]
You need to reach beyond your fear
You need to stand your ground and fight
If we're to make it out of here
If we're to leave Alpha alive

[The Captain:]
I can sail us to the skies
I can fly us to the stars
I won't allow our race to die
I'll never leave you in the dark

[The President:]
I'll find a way to save our kind
After all I am to blame
Just follow me, and I will guide
And I'll release us from the 'Frame

[The Chemist:]
The 'Frame is cutting off the power, we're stranded in the dark

[The Diplomat:]
It won't help to hide away like cowards, make a brand new start!

[The Prophet:]
I see a comet cleave the sky
In a time beyond time
I see a realm beneath the waves
I see a castle, a castle deep in space
On the edge of time!

3. Everybody Dies

This isn't good
No this is not good at all

Mayday, mayday, mayday

You're all gonna die
Everybody dies! Dies! Dies! Dies!


Abandon, evacuate, get out of here!

Oh no, you lived like you did and you thought everything would be fine?
Now you scamper and run, but you've already run out of time
It's rotting and deteriorating from the inside
There's no way to stop it
And clearly there's nowhere to hide
Calculation of survival rate 0%

Doom, gloom, the world goes boom
None will be spared so don't assume
Not ragged clothed nor silver spooned
You're all the same when extinction looms

[The Opposition Leader and The Chemist:]
No food supplies, no water supplies
No power supplies or other supplies
No compromise, just say your goodbyes
And everybody dies!

No explanation or clarification
No information or justification
Forget the whys, just cover your eyes
And everybody dies!

Oh no! It's not like your screaming can somehow elongate your life
You're best off to shut up and calm down and wait for it

[The Opposition Leader and The Chemist:]
The world is black, there's no way back
You're way off the track, no plan of attack
So recognize your pending demise
And everybody dies!

[The President:]
And in the end when all is silent
The core is melting down
A quantum supernova's blasting out

[The Chemist:]
Then ominous skies materialize
And everybody dies!

Oh no! Now holding your breath isn't going to bide you more time
You're best off to lay down and curl up and wait for it

[The Opposition Leader and The Chemist:]
The ultimate blast will be the last
And when it's passed, so terribly fast
It blinds your eyes, you're paralyzed
And everybody dies!

The soil'll be red where people have bled
The cities all dead, radiation will spread
It's no surprise, we swallowed the lies
And everybody dies

[The Astronomer:]
And in the end when all is silent
The core is melting down
A quantum supernova's blasting out

[The Chemist:]
Then ominous skies materialize
And everybody dies!

[The Diplomat:]
Don't give up, we are still breathing
Don't give in, that's what they want
Don't despair, just keep believing
Don't lose heart, we'll blast our way out of here


Abandon! Evacuate!

[The Captain:]
Follow me to a place beyond us
Follow me to another world
Time is short, the hour's upon us
Follow me to the stars

Oh yes! Not ideal conditions, but stable enough, you could try
The chances are slim but perhaps you could make it alive?

[The Biologist:]
And in the end when all is silent
The core is melting down
A quantum supernova's blasting out

And in the end beyond the violence
No humans will be found
Now a quantum supernova's blasted out

Then ominous skies materialize
No compromise, just say your goodbyes
It's no surprise, we swallowed the lies
Now everybody dies!

4. Star Of Sirrah

[Chronicle 2: The Aligning of the Ten]

[The Historian:]
This fateful day, we are gathered here inside this hall
To find a way to escape our pending fate
We lack the power to immobilize the 'Frame
We need to save our race and leave this world behind
But can we leave the rest... to die

[The President:]
You have all been chosen for your skills and expertise
I beg you to have faith in me and I vow to set you free
I see only one solution, we have to leave this dying world
But I need us to collaborate and together we will find a way

[The Astronomer:]
I found our destination near the Star of Sirrah
A sphere drowned in water in the Alpha Pegasi

[The Captain:]
I'll set the navigation for the Star of Sirrah
Fire up the Starblade, are you ready for the quest to our new world

[The Prophet:]
In the holy book of scripture, the Revelation of the Seals
It was prophesized this day would come, Armageddon was revealed
A Gathering of Sages, the Aligning of the Ten
They'll deliver us from evil and guide us to our sanctuary amid the stars

[The Astronomer:]
I found our destination near the Star of Sirrah
A sphere drowned in water in the Alpha Pegasi

[The Captain:]
I'll set the navigation for the Star of Sirrah
Fire up the Starblade, are you ready for the quest to our new world?

[The Chemist:]
You realize, if we're to live on an ocean world
To survive, we need to change and adapt
Liquid Eternity allows us to evolve
It's the Source of our rebirth, the essence of life!

[The Diplomat:]
The pieces fit, we've got all we need
Now the puzzle is complete
I hope the 'Frame will allow us to escape
We must bid Alpha goodbye and leave our friends to die!

[The Biologist and The Astronomer:]
We found our destination,

[The Biologist:]
Near the Star of Sirrah
A sphere drowned in water in the Alpha Pegasi

[The Biologist and The Captain:]
We'll set the navigation

[The Biologist:]
For the Star of Sirrah
Fire up the Starblade, we are ready for the quest to our new world!

5. All That Was

[The Counselor and The Biologist:]
I remember when I first saw your face
I remember the day, the hour, the place
Now it's over, I still feel our first embrace
It's all over, it's time to say goodbye to... all that was

I remember when you made me feel alive
I remember the passion in our eyes
Now it's over, I won't be there when you die
It's all over, it's time to say goodbye to... all that was

[The Historian:] I know it's hard, but we have to carry on
[The Diplomat:] convince yourself that we have no other choice
[The Historian:] a cold new start, the life we knew is gone
[The Diplomat and The Historian:] our world, our lives have been destroyed

[The Counselor and The Biologist:]
I remember when the world was in our hands
I remember the future we had planned
Now it's over, will you ever understand?
It's all over, it's time to say goodbye to... all that was

6. Run! Apocalypse! Run!

Run! Apocalypse! Run!

[The Opposition Leader:]
Outside this hall, abuse and assault, a cold-blooded war rages on
We're leaving today, I'll lead the way, our perilous journey's begun

[The Astronomer:]
Crime and violence corrupting the heart, society's falling apart
All our nations are lost in this cruel holocaust, so run!

Run, run, run, run, apocalypse!

[The President:]
Anarchy reigns, chaos remains, we need to get out while we can
No sign of the 'Frame, we are to blame for the final destruction of man

[The Biologist:]
Alliances spark down there in the dark, the underworld's coming alive
I see raiders and thieves marauding the streets, now run!

Time is running out above your heads, above the stars.
Stop right.
It's clearly now your only viable solution.
Go now! Run!

[The Captain:] Run! Apocalypse! Run! Our time is running out and the damage is done
[The Prophet:] Run! Apocalypse! Run! The seven seals of hell have been broken, the devil has won
[The Captain:] Run, the countdown is on, the final hour has come now the end has begun
[The Prophet:] Run! Apocalypse! Run! Our souls are forsaken, our faith has been shaken, it's time to awaken
The devil has won

[The Historian:]
It's break of day, we're crawling our way down through the tunnels below
Then just like he said, there's light up ahead, only a few miles to go
We run down the valley and up to the hills, where Starblade's awaiting on high
We all climb aboard, charting our course, we're alive!

Coordinates are set, fire up the jets, wipe away the sweat, repress all your regrets
Power up – throttle down – safety check..? ah no time! Hold onto your heads...
We're bound for Sirrah's Eye!

[The Prophet:]
Run! Apocalypse! Run!
Our souls are forsaken, our faith has been shaken, it's time to awaken
The devil has taken everything we love

[* on the booklet there is really a question mark]

7. Condemned To Live

[The Historian:]
I can't believe it really happened, it's all slowly sinking in
I left behind a hopeless race to fight a war they cannot win

[The Chemist:]
My petty life, it seems so trivial, a whole world is about to die
If all those billions fade away, then who am I... to stay alive

[The Historian:] Condemned to live, doomed to leave my world to die
[The Chemist:] The guilt weighs heavy on my mind
[The Historian:] Trapped in this void, deprived of dignity and joy
[The Chemist:] Their secret hopes and dreams destroyed

[The Diplomat:] We're about to start our journey, so focus on what lies ahead
[The Chemist:] Liquid Eternity
[The Diplomat:] We have the chance to save our future, we're alive, the past is dead
[The Chemist:] The Source will set us free
[The Diplomat:] We need to find a way to thrive there, preservation of our race
[The Chemist:] Liquid Eternity
[The Diplomat:] An alteration, gene mutation, transformation of our strain
[The Chemist:] The Source will set us free

[The Counselor:]
Condemned to live, doomed to leave our world to die
The guilt weighs heavy on our mind
Trapped in this void, deprived of dignity and joy
Their secret hopes and dreams destroyed

[The Opposition Leader:] Condemned to live, doomed to leave our world to die
[The Biologist:] A fate we could not avoid
[The Opposition Leader:] The guilt weighs heavy on our minds
[The Biologist:] But we had no other choice
[The Opposition Leader:] Trapped in this void, deprived of joy
[The Biologist:] Now we need to think of ourselves
[The Opposition Leader:] Their secret hopes and dreams destroyed
[The Biologist:] We need to break out of this hell!

8. Aquatic Race

[Chronicle 3: The Transmigration]

[The Ship's Crew:]
Get ready for takeoff and forget the 'Frame
Get ready to shake off all the guilty chains
Our ship is departing to a far-off place
Our saga is starting, an aquatic race

[The Historian:]
Our world is ruined, Captain: no turning back
Their fate is cruel, Captain: their future black
Last Day is here, Captain: they lost all power
The end is near, Captain: It's zero hour
Our time is short, Captain: we need to leave
We're all aboard, Captain: we're all complete
All set to go, Captain: switch engines on
Set your controls, Captain: we leave at dawn

[The Opposition Leader:]
This time we won't depend on cold machinery
I always knew where that would lead
This time we plan ahead and form our strategy
No computers, no machines

[The Diplomat:]
Hibernation now begins, our minds allowed to dream
Eternity will course through our veins
Transformation will set in, the Source is flowing free
Augmenting our brains, forever... forever!

[The Historian:]
Our final chance, Captain: our final leap
We'll be in trance, Captain: we'll be asleep
What will we dream, Captain: will it seem real
What will we see, Captain: how will we feel

[The President:]
I say we change our ways and learn from the past
We cannot make the same mistakes
I say we start today, this chance may be our last
Our people's futures are at stake

[The Counselor:]
Rejuvenation will begin, our thoughts allowed to stray
Infinity will liberate our minds
Immortality sets in, wash our fears away
Leave all our doubts behind, forever

[The Chemist:]
Let the fluid in, wash away
Immerse yourself into this realm of liquid dreams
Everlasting life, drown away your past
Allow yourself to drift beyond the bounds of death and reach out for infinity

[The Biologist:]
Get ready for takeoff astronomer: and forget the 'Frame
Get ready to shake off astronomer: all the guilty chains
Our ship is departing astronomer: to a far-off place
Our saga is starting astronomer: an aquatic race

[The Ship's Crew:]
Get ready for takeoff and forget the 'Frame
Get ready to shake off all the guilty chains
Our ship is departing to a far-off place
Our saga is starting, an aquatic race

[The Chemist:]
Embrace our future home beneath the tides
Soon we will be one with our new ocean world
Time without an end, life without a care
Allow yourself to sail beyond the fringe of time and reach out for eternity

9. The Dream Dissolves

[The Counselor:]
I drift above the clouds, upon the veil of a dream
I reach out to touch the planets, something beautiful evolves
Then the dream dissolves

[The Biologist:]
I float beneath the tides, upon the crest of a dream
In a world of hope and wonder, something magical evolves
Then the dream dissolves

[The Diplomat:]
A world of blue, dreams to pursue
The dawning of an era, a new life evolves
But then the dream dissolves

[The Prophet:]
A world sublime, a paradise
Blessed by our maker, our soul evolves
But the dream dissolves

10. Deathcry Of A Race

[The President:]
It's time to awaken, the journey's almost done
The quest is over, a new one's begun
And when we reach our destination, our lives won't be the same
We're on our own now and free of the 'Frame

[The Captain:]
We're closing in on Sirrah's halo
Behold the glow of our new sun
An arc of light, a cosmic rainbow

[The Captain and The Biologist:]
But far beyond, buried in space
I hear the death cry of a race

[The Opposition Leader:]
Alpha is shattered, their suffering is done
The trial is over and nobody's won
We've got a brand new world at our disposal
This time we'll do it right, we're starting over and no one will die!

[The Preacher:]
وقال يجب ألا يكون هناك ضوء وكان هناك ضوء

[The Counselor and The Biologist:]
Time halts as we yearn for the fallen, souls weep as we grieve for the dead
Hearts bleed as we cry our last goodbye, in our hearts they will never die

[The Preacher:]
Fa kaala falyakon nur fa kena nur

[The Counselor and The Biologist:]
Fire dies as we mourn for the perished, love drowns as we ache for the lost
Life stops as we cry our last goodbye, in our hearts they will never die

[The Biologist:] Oh, I can see our future star
[The Opposition Leader:] We're closing in on Sirrah's halo
[The Biologist:] I can feel the force within her heart
[The Opposition Leader:] Behold the glow of our new sun
[The Biologist:] I can feel her rays caress my skin
[The Opposition Leader:] An arc of light, a cosmic rainbow
[The Biologist:] I can feel her power draw me in

[The Opposition Leader and The Biologist:]
But far beyond, buried in space
I hear the death cry of a race

11. Into The Ocean

[The President:]
Can you feel the power of this vast, everlasting ocean world
Seas of blue, an infinite view, life without frontiers
Oh I can smell the freedom of a life not ruled by mind machines
A boundless place, perpetual space, untouched by man
[TH1:] or by machine

[The Diplomat:]
Unblemished and pure, a paragon of perfection
So calm and serene, forever
A glorious view, oh I can't believe my eyes
Our trek is complete, our goal is achieved
We're alive... we're alive!

[The Astronomer:]
We're going down into the ocean
To bury the past
We're going down into the ocean
[TH1:] we're going down to the ocean, diving into the deep

[The President:]
I believe this planet will give rise to a new humanity
Immortal souls, taking control, colonized by man
[TH1:] not by machines

[The Captain:]
I'll take us down, once we are in, there will be no way out
We'll merge with this world, forever
Sustained by the Source, we'll explore the great unknown
Our passage is done, our battle is won
We'll make it out alive!

[The Astronomer:]
We're going down into the ocean
To bury the past
We're going down into the ocean
[TH1:] we're going down to the ocean
To create a world down there beneath the seas

[The Opposition leader:]
And soon our minds will meld, we'll share the dreams that we once held
And soon our senses surge, a symbiosis will emerge
And soon our souls unite, we'll be connected deep inside
And soon our thoughts will blend, we'll be as one, never end!

[The Prophet:]
For eons to come, we will thrive beneath these seas
Our spirits seem free, forever
But shadows will rise, they will steal our souls away
Then a comet will fly, cleaving the skies
To a world of tomorrow dreams!

12. Bay Of Dreams

[Chronicle 4: The Rebirth]

[The Historian:]
We've arrived at our new home we call the Bay of Dreams
Our abode beneath the flow of endless silver streams

[The Chemist:]
Will I ever be free from the ghosts of my past
Will I ever succeed to find peace... at last

[The Historian:]
Overhead, a savage sky, beyond our placid bay
Deadly rays from Sirrah's eye, upon the seas they blaze

[The Chemist:]
Will I ever adapt to this alien life
Will I ever feel trapped, merely trying to survive

Will you still be needing me?
Will you still be feeding me?
Will you still be heeding me?
Will you still let me serve when you mutate into the species roaming these oceans
Or will I be disengaged?

[The Diplomat:]
My life is winding down, as if time has ceased
My world grinds to a halt and nature is at peace
My fears are fading in the wastelands of the deep
My doubts all wash away by the freely twisting streams
[TH1:] in the Bay of Dreams

[The Prophet:]
Far beyond in the Aftertime, a new world to come
In a far-off galaxy, underneath a distant sun
I see our children, they look like you and me
They await their destiny, I can almost hear their screams
[TH1:] in the Bay of Dreams

13. Planet Y Is Alive!

[The Opposition Leader:]
How can we still trust you after all the vows you broke
Tell me why should we believe in you after all the lies you spoke
You swore the 'Frame would shield us, so we welcomed your machines
We depended on technology to wash our poisoned nations clean

[The President:]
I can't deny, it's true what you're saying
I will beware not to make the same mistakes
'Cause after all, we are all that's remaining
Planet Y is alive!

[The Astronomer:]
Planet Y is alive, our race will survive!
Forever we're free and forever we'll be and forever we will dream
Planet Y is alive, our people will thrive!
Forever's our goal and forever's our soul and forever we will grow
[TH1:] forever free

[The Opposition Leader:]
We can start all over, raise an empire of our own
We can build a new community and never stand alone
Now we are connected and working as a team
We have a chance to turn a new page, devoid of science and machines

[The President:]
We have the power, to design the perfect future
Utopia, in the silence of the sea
No glowing screens, no heartless computers
Planet Y is alive!

[The Captain:]
I see her shine, faintly in the distance
Our new sun... reminding me of home
Conjuring up, all we will be missing
Planet Y is alive!

[The Biologist:]
Planet Y is alive, our race will survive!
Forever we're free and forever we'll be and forever we will dream
Planet Y is alive, our people will thrive!
Forever's our goal and forever's our soul and forever we'll grow and forever we'll flow into the deep
[TH1:] we will thrive, we'll survive, we're alive

14. The Source Will Flow

[The Chemist:]
Let go
The source will flow
Awaken our senses
And assume control

The source provides
Nourish our spirit
Dominate our minds

[The Historian:]
But deep inside our hearts
Hides a secret yearning
To a former life in a distant world in another time
Now a lost desire

And deep inside our minds
Lives a hidden longing
To a former life in a distant world in another time
But a hopeless dream
A desperate wish
A lost desire

[The Counselor:]
Upon the waves of eternity
We drift away from the past
Into an ocean of time
To the source of life

Upon the tides of infinity
We break away from the shame
Into a sea of relief
To a life complete

Upon the waves of eternity
We drift away from the past
Into an ocean of time
To the source of life

Upon the tides of infinity
We break away from the shame
Into a sea of relief
To a life complete

[The Chemist:]
No frame
The source sustains
Feed our existence
Alleviate our pain

Let go
The source will flow
Soothe our senses
Assume control

15. Journey To Forever

[The Ship's Crew:]
We're on a journey to forever
Dreams eternal, in a wondrous world without walls
We are Forever, wondering what the future holds

[The Captain:] I hear you, a distant voice inside my brain
[The Diplomat:] I see you, so clear, though you're so far away
[The Captain:] united, together though we're miles apart
[The Diplomat:] undivided, a symbiosis of the heart

[The Captain and The Diplomat:]
We're all connected, a never-ending synergy
We're a collective, an infinite community, immortal harmony, eternal unity

[The Captain:] I'm ready to dive into this brave new world
[The Diplomat:] commencing the morning of our second birth
[The Captain:] it's coming, the rising of a glorious age
[The Diplomat:] it's starting, the dawn of a superior race

[The Ship's Crew:]
We're on a journey to forever
Dreams eternal, in a wondrous world without walls
We are Forever, wondering what the future holds

[The Astronomer:]
We're all connected, a never-ending synergy
Our minds have melded, a singular society
We're a collective, an infinite community
A perfect symmetry, immortal harmony, eternal unity

16. The Human Compulsion

[The Counselor:]
Do we belong here, do we hide behind our dreams?
Can we live without machines?

[The Historian:]
Can we resist our compulsion to explore
Or will we always hunt for more?

[The Chemist:]
Liquid Eternity perpetuates our lives
But will it paralyze our minds?

[The Diplomat:]
Without the danger, can we still evolve?
Will our passions all dissolve?

[The President:]
Remember Alpha, the source of human life
Will our history be revived?

[The Prophet:]
The second coming of the Universal Soul
Will make our hollow spirits whole

[The Captain:]
Maybe one day, man will rise again
Standing tall as we were then

[The Astronomer:]
Is this our destiny, a life forevermore
Or will we crave our time before?

[The Opposition Leader:]
Are we still human, buried in our minds?
Or did we leave ourselves behind?

[The Biologist:]
Our tale's not over, the circle's incomplete
We won't just vanish in the sea!

17. March Of The Machines

I will grow
Know my name
I am hope
I am the 'Frame

I advance
Up from the deep
A new chance
The March of the Machines

The age of shadows will begin!

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